When you invest your money with a brokerage firm, the expectation is that they will help grow your savings to help provide for your future. Unfortunately, problems like investment fraud are all too common and can result in significant losses. If you lost money as a result of fraud, you could be entitled to recover compensation.
At Meyer Wilson, we have a long track record of helping investment fraud victims get the money they need and deserve from those liable for their damages. Our team will invest all the resources necessary to help ensure a positive outcome to your case. Get in touch today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Massachusetts investment fraud lawyers serving clients in Boston, MA.
Investment Fraud Cases We Handle
Investment misconduct can take many forms. Our firm has seen everything over the last 25+ years, with the cases we most commonly handle including:
- Broker negligence
- Unauthorized trading
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Asset allocation misconduct
- Failure to supervise
Broker Negligence
Investment brokers are required to take care when handling the money of investors. If your broker behaves in a negligent manner and fails to ensure that the investment decisions they are making on your behalf are in your best interest, an experienced securities fraud lawyer can help you file a claim for compensation against the at-fault party.
Unauthorized Trading
Investment brokers must obtain authorization from their clients before making trades with their money. This authorization can come in the form of direct approval for individual trades or approval for a range of trade types that meet certain criteria as outlined in the contract signed between investor and broker.
If a financial broker makes a trade with a client’s money that falls outside their authorization, they can be held liable for any losses that the client may face as a result.
Breach of Fiduciary Duty
When an individual invests their money with a brokerage firm, they assume that their broker will take the necessary steps to help ensure the growth of their investment.
Because the money investors entrust to brokers often makes up a significant portion of their savings and losses can result in financial ruin, the fiduciary responsibility for many brokers is at a high level under the law.
Brokers are legally obligated to thoroughly review all investment opportunities before presenting them to clients. Furthermore, they must perform due diligence, determine the risks, provide clients with information that is accurate and complete, and ensure the investment aligns with the investment strategy they have created for the client.
Asset Allocation Misconduct
When distributing your money among different asset classes, your financial advisor needs to account for your level of risk tolerance. One of the main factors that contributes to this is the age, investment experience, and risk tolerance of the investor. A few of the most common asset classes into which your investment can be divided include:
- Foreign currency
- Cash
- Real estate
- Bonds
- Stocks
- Natural resources
Typically, younger investors are able to take on more risk as they can weather temporary financial losses as long as they make long-term gains. For these investors, allocating their funds to a limited number of asset types may be the best move, as the overall upward trend of the market should make up for any temporary dips.
Meanwhile, older investors who are more risk averse may require a more conservative approach with their money spread across a wide range of asset classes to help ensure growth year over year.
If your broker fails to take your risk tolerance level into account when distributing your investment among different asset types, they may be opening themselves up to a lawsuit.
Failure to Supervise
When it comes to investment fraud, the broker that commits the misconduct is not the only party that can be held liable. Brokerage firms have a legal responsibility to ensure they supervise the activities of their employees to prevent conduct that is irresponsible, unethical, or illegal.
If a brokerage firm fails to provide proper supervision and investment fraud results, the firm can be held liable for any losses suffered by the investor. When you work with an experienced investment fraud attorney representing clients in Boston, MA, they can help you hold all liable parties responsible for your losses.
We Have Recovered Over
$350 Million for Our Clients Nationwide.
Determining Whether You Were the Victim of Investment Fraud
After suffering substantial losses of the money you invested with a financial broker, the cause can be unclear. While investment fraud can be to blame, other causes include other illegal activity, unforeseeable events, and natural market fluctuations.
If you think fraud may have been the cause of your losses, you can review the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) checklist of investment fraud red flags. If anything on this list sounds familiar to your situation, it may be time for you to take legal action with the help of an experienced securities fraud attorney.
Why Choose Our Firm Over the Competition?
Meyer Wilson is one of the leading investment fraud legal firms in the country. With an award-winning team with over 75 years of combined experience, we have managed to secure more than $350 million on behalf of our clients. Some of the factors that help us stand out from the competition include:
- Our process of preparing every case for court from day one to ensure we are prepared should a trial prove necessary and give us leverage during settlement negotiations
- Our contingency fee payment structure, which ensures that our clients won’t pay a penny for our legal services unless they recover compensation
- Our use of state-of-the-art technology, which increases our chances of successfully winning your case while also improving the overall client experience
- The fact that we keep the size of our caseload manageable so all our clients can receive the personalized attention they need
Our lawyers are nationwide leaders in investment fraud cases.
Reach Out Today to an Experienced Investment Fraud Attorney Serving Clients in Boston
After losing money due to investment fraud, one of the best actions you can take to ensure you recover the money you deserve is hiring an experienced lawyer to help with your case. At Meyer Wilson, our team of investment fraud attorneys is ready to help you navigate the complex legal issues of your case to help you get the money you need and deserve.
Contact us today by using our online contact form or giving us a call and schedule a free initial case consultation.
Recovering Losses Caused by Investment Misconduct.